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Tel: +886-3-4260556
Fax: +886-3-4260561
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Tester Soft Ltd., which relied on quality, technology and service to provide the time-critical quality to our clients for PCB Industry since 1995. At the beginning, We possess to support the software system service primarily. The software we developed which was getting high praise in domestic and foreign countries. Furthermore, Japan Industry requests us to develop software many times.
Besides strengthened the software system service, also expanded the field to the equipment research and developed manufacture. Because of the profound base in software, therefore we forms the effect in the equipment research and development which complements one another Tester Soft Ltd. had been established up to now, fully realized, the import product has good advantage of " brand image". , but "the price", " delivering the product on time", is the domestic product competitive advantage.
Main Products
1.Pellicle&photomask inspection machine
2. Film/photomask AOI inspection machine
2. Inner copper foil line inspection machine
3. Stencil inspection machine
4. Stencil mirror polishing machine
5. TSL-DVI post-soldering universal inspection machine (carrier board/PCB finished product inspection machine)
6. GTS-V2 finished board/semi-finished board inspection machine
Contact Information
Country: Taiwan
Address: NO .140,Hwan PeiRd.,Chung Li City Taoyuan Hsien. Taiwan
Tel: +886-3-4260556
Fax: +886-3-4260561
Website: http://www.testersoft.com
Contact Person: Miranda Chuang
Company Nature: Manufacturing,